new paintings, prints, reviews, and news.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Presentation: Wilhelm Sasnal

For my presentation on a contemporary painter I’ve chosen Wilhelm Sasnal. He was born in Tarnow, Poland in 1972 and graduated from Krakow Academy of Fine Art in 1999. Today he is about 30 years old and has already gained international notoriety in the contemporary art world.

He remains in Poland – living and working in Cracow. This locality seems important to him, since he has drawn inspiration and imagery out of Poland’s political past – such as communism, pre-war modernism, post-war life, and the Holocaust. Sasnal doesn’t completely dismiss this interpretation, as it’s hard to ignore Poland’s past while living there. But at the same time he contests that his work is often misunderstood. Sasnal generally lets people think what they want and states that art isn’t necessarily the best medium for making opinions known.

Sasnal says he’s very western oriented in taste, and uses the internet for source materials – which in turn makes him global. He maintains that his surroundings do not affect his work since he finds sources by “Googling”.

It is said his paintings are a responses to the abundance of imagery in Eastern Europe that emerged after the fall of communism in 1989 - which might be partially true if not combined with the fact the internet was popularized when Sasnal was in art school in the mid to late 90s.

Wilhelm Sasnal is often spoken about in comparisons with Luc Tuymans and to a lesser extent Gerhard Richter. However, he wholeheartedly disagrees about the “Luc Tuyman Effect” attributed to his work. But understandably, he shares with Tuymans a certain visual look, and also Richter’s command of paint materiality.


Sasnal finds painting sources from mass media circulated images turning paintings into an interpretative tool. He has a great range of subject matter and methods. But the most reoccurring visual qualities have much to do with lost visual information which is in turn replaced with the “idiosyncratic qualities” of painting. Lost information can be explained in a number a ways, depending on the artwork:

A lot of the time, the loss of information is colour – Sasnal’s achromatic paintings. He has painted butterflies, portraits, figures achromatically – which are all things known for lots of colour.

Sasnal loses information by exploiting the contrast. More subtle tonality between high and low key are cast off.

He also leaves out areas of the painting. A face is smeared or the ground under the figures dissipate into brushstrokes - unfinished as if the painter was interrupted. Other times the compositions are oddly cropped or even nonsensically rearranged.

All this shows Wilhelm Sasnal is treating painting as a reductive process, an economy of information. It’s obvious that he is interested in other analog image making forms, like print, silk screening and especially photography (in regards to black and white and overexposure.) He accepts the filtration of imperfect imaging tools and manipulates it as a new and interesting ways of seeing. Despite running with photographic qualities, brushstrokes are prevalent and at times his paintings dissolve into abstraction. Therefore, on top of it all, he uses the materiality of painting as a visual effect on his subjects. It results in a push-pull effect between representation and paint.

“Images are pared down to their barest essentials and estranged from their original context and meaning.” What’s left is an image far removed from any real scene, person or happening in the past. Considering Sasnal’s sources are pre-existing mass circulated pictures – making the image strange through his decontextualizing process – let’s us rethink the already known. That means he can be spoken about in terms of memory. Memory essentially defined as recreating the past.

Things I’ve related to/found useful about Sasnal’s work

Showing the materiality of paint isn’t a dated look, for example impressionistic, it can be contemporary. Falling short of an image isn’t a bad quality. Things considered flaws in the picture can be used as a visual tool.

More information and detail doesn’t necessarily mean its better. Establishing an economy of visual elements, how much is needed to make its point, it actually gives the audience more to do, it’s more interesting and memorable that way.

Using the internet, or other known imagery, for painting sources isn’t wrong.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ultimate Reality

I went to a music show last night, and it was a spectacle of weird. Ultimate Reality with Jimmy Joe Roche seriously outdid Dan Deacon, if I can be so bold.

The reason I posted this for my art blog, is because it was crossed over into what I consider art. On a huge screen, a narrative psychedelic mirror image hybrid of most Schwarzenegger movies unraveled... while two drummers bang away to melodic synthesizers.

The experience was so weird... and ironically profound.

It really draws my attention to music video art. Multi-media, who'd of thunk it?

Their video as follows:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Art Shop

Thursday, January 10, 2008


For some reason in the wee hours of this morning, I was thinking about blindness, the idea of going blind at this point in my life. I decided I would not give up art, maybe do music more... but I would still paint.

Blind painters are a bit of a novelty, I've looked at a few. They're always trying to be representational, they work it out to fake painting recognizably. This is such a mistake. It ends up looking kitsch. Basically not being able to see lends nothing to trying to represent realism.

However... if they knew anything about conceptual art, it's actually an opportunity to make important work. It would be about abstraction, movement and the process of painting. Someone not cluttered by visuality doesn't have owe anything to it. Or maybe it could be about the memory of seeing.

They're catering to the dumb masses by not exploring abstraction (the only art they could do), shackled to the representation.
So far I've seen blind painters basically do colour by numbers. It's child's play. I wish they'd get more conceptual about it, it's rich with noteworthy possibilities.

I'll try a blindfolded painting, maybe it will work into a project at school. I'll post what I come up with, ABSTRACTION that is. Although, if something representation came out of it miraculously, that'd be really cool.

That is that....

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Rabbit Catcher

Here's my pride and joy. Possibly my best large scale painting thus far. I've done some work to touch it up because there's a painting competition at Emily Carr coming up. The first image is the old version, the latter the new.

You'd be able to tell how much I improved the body of the female figure and the path if you saw it in full form. I'm happy with it. I just hope I get into at least the Concourse show related to this competition.

Wish me Luck!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Internet

I'd like to voice my concerns about the internet... so many websites to keep track of for art exposure.

Let's list:

Updates, posts, generally keeping track... then what's the best way to promote them, which one is the best to promote...

Also, how should I comprehensibly link all my art sites?

It's so much work. This technological age runs a mile a minutes. My attention span isn't short enough for this rapid movement.

ps. school starts tonight. science of all things... art science. We'll see what they have to say for themselves.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Gaff Doom

If I had started this blog a few months ago, it would be known that I've been "courting" a local gallery. You know, getting involved, volunteering, doing their web design, doing a residency when it turned into a studio. Eventually I hoped to show there, whether group or the coveted solo show, pop my solo show cherry and all. I was slowly bidding my time to see how that works. I learnt a lot. But now, the Gaff Gallery is closing its doors for good. I officially showed there once at an auction. Oh well. I'll have to venture to new Vancouver art gallery venues.

Here is a collection of studies I drew during my time there. I made it into a little 'zine.