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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Buy Art, Not Cocaine: The Cheaper Show 8

Saturday June 21st was The Cheaper Show No. 8.

I found out about the show in the free paper my partner handed me. It sounded like a good premise, evening the playing field and I looked it up to submit. I put in Multiples, Heroic Strains, and Roller-skates. They loved the pin up girls but said that Heroic Strains was less refined. I was very surprised to find I got in, after not hearing from them for so long. I painted 2 paintings special for the show, and put them in the Roller-skates. They put in the skates, and it sold. I’m glad to get the other two paintings back – I didn’t photo doc them!

There was a line when I arrived at 9. It went around the block. I was meeting a friend there, and we got in right away because I was an artist. There was a DJ, we had beer and looked at all the art. It was great. As the night moved it got really crowded and hot in there. I couldn’t believe so many were there because of art. There’s a special feeling in going to art events. This was the best art sale show I’ve ever been in. I’ll be looking forward to the next one.

Attilla Richard Lukacs was supposed to be in that show, I couldn’t find his work. Adam Dodd was too, I own a drawing of his I bought at the Gaff Gallery that’s now closed. I found Robert Mearns crotch shot figure, that was his only piece in the show. These are artists I’m looking at, as they are part of the Vancouver art scene. I won’t consider them my peers until I have a few solo shows here.